All Victorian Fabians members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting.
It will be followed by an event titled "Misinformed? … Media and politics" featuring Denis Muller and Nicholas Reese. For information on the media event, please click here.
Our committee is always looking for new input and provides opportunities to contribute in a broad range of tasks, such as social media, communications, arranging events and administration. Any member of the Victorian Fabians can nominate for the Executive Committee: for a named position, or as a general Committee Member.
In order to nominate:
You must be a financial member over 18 years of age. Executive members must be prepared to take an active role in running the branch, and attending Board and other meetings as required. They must also undertake to support the purposes of the association, to to comply with the constitution and to act in the best interests of the organisation without conflict of interest.
To nominate, complete the nomination form, which includes nomination by two other current Fabians members, and return it to the Returning Officer, Max Dumais, by 5:00pm Friday 3rd May, Contact details for the Returning Officer are on the form. If you are nominating another person, please ensure that they have consented to the nomination.
If you can't come to the AGM but would like to vote, please use this link to access the proxy form, then return the completed form to the Returning Officer, Max Dumais, by 5:00pm Friday 3rd May. Contact details for the Returning Officer are on the form.
For a printable version of the Agenda click here. Additional attachments for item 5 are listed under item 5 below.
1. Welcome: Acknowledgement to Country: Chair Jeff McCracken-Hewson
2. Apologies
3. Minutes
3.1. Confirmation of minutes of 2023 Annual General Meeting (click here to download a copy)
Motion: That the 2023 AGM minutes be accepted.
4. Reports
4.1. Chair’s Report, (Including Events, Membership, Publications and Social Media reports)
4.2. Treasurer's report,
Motion: That the Chair's and Treasurer's reports be accepted
5. Election of 2024/25 Victorian Branch Executive
Conducted by the Returning Officer.
5.1. Ratification of election by members
Motion: That the Returning Officer's report be received.
6. Appointment of Returning Officer 2024/25
Motion: That this meeting appoint Max Dumais to the position of Returning Officer 2024-25
7. Meeting close
After the AGM: You are invited to stay for the event "Misinformed? … Media and politics" featuring Denis Muller and Nicholas Reese.
If you are watching online, you will need to switch to a different zoom meeting. You will need to have registered separately for this event to receive the zoom link via RSVP. The AGM zoom host will also provide the link.