As the Victorian Fabian Branch, we host events, sponsor research and encourage writing.
The Victorian Branch of Australian Fabians aims to broaden the progressive conversation by offering opportunities to listen, to talk, and to contribute to activities that develop ideas and take them to the people who can effect change.
The work of Victorian Fabians is guided by an organising committee comprising Jeff McCracken-Hewson (Chair), Fernanda Trecenti (Deputy Chair and Events Manager), Robyn Saltmarsh (Secretary), David Redfern (Treasurer), Megan Poad (Membership Secretary), Dr Sarah Howe (Chair, Australian Fabians), Dr Julia Thornton, Chris Blake and Ryan Flynn.
We offer frequent events throughout the year, where we aim to provide opportunities to listen to leading thinkers on key issues for the progressive movement and to join in the debate.
Videos of our previous events are available on the Australian Fabians YouTube, the most recent of which can be found below.
You can watch these yourself, or use them in place of a speaker at an event of your own by replaying them to a group, branch meeting or forum, prior to discussion of the topic.
Fabians produces many kinds of publications, and we are always looking for new writers. If you have ideas that you would like to get published in print, online, by podcast, or by video, please get in touch.
Contact the Victorian Fabian Branch
The best way to contact the Victorian Fabians and get involved is by Email.