Western Australia
The work of WA Fabians is guided by an Organising Group comprising Tim Dymond (Convenor), Natalie Mast, Phil O'Donoghue, Amanda Rainey, Damien Smith, Janine Freeman and Will van den Wall Bake. Obviously not all members are able to attend all events, and WA is a big state to cover! So, we try to livestream and video all our events and a library of those and other resources are below.
As the Western Australia Fabian Branch, we host events, deliver training, sponsor research and encourage writing. Our focus is to engage the public directly in order to shape conversations and raise the level of discussion.
We believe that if there is going to be an a Australia that works for everyone in the 21st century, it will emerge from the bottom up, in which everyone, not merely a handful have the opportunity to participate.
If you are interested in being added to the WA Fabians email list, please Email
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