This is the third event of Victorian Fabians' Spring Series for 2018, co-hosted by the Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN), at which we'll discuss environmental sustainability and equality, with talks by Dr Bruce Lindsay and Ged Kearney MP.
Dr Bruce Lindsay (Environmental Justice Australia, Member of Australian Panel of Experts on Environmental Law)
Bruce works as a law reform and project officer at Environmental Justice Australia - a public-interest community legal centre specialising in environmental and planning law. Bruce has written on biodiversity law, water law, access to justice issues, and planning law for EJA. He has previously worked with Trust for Nature, undertaking leading research on law in private land conservation and environmental markets. He has had a long association with local environmental groups and issues in Geelong, Victoria.
Ged Kearney MP (ALP Member for Batman)
Ged was born and raised in Melbourne and lived in the electorate of Batman for 20 years. She started her working life as a nurse and rose to become Federal Secretary of the Australian Nursing Federation. From 2010, Ged served as the elected president of the ACTU – the peak body of Australia’s union movement – where she has been fighting for better conditions for Australian workers. Ged fought John Howard’s Workchoices to protect our rights at work, and is a passionate advocate for social justice and gender equality in the workplace.
Entry is $5 for Fabians members and concessions, $10 for non-members (bring extra for the raffle).
Please arrive from 5.30 for a 6pm start, all guests are welcome to join us for dinner after the event.
Some introductory reading has been provided by LEAN if you are interested:
Who is the Labor Environment Action Network?
LEAN Research Paper - Background for their Environmental laws campaign