Should all Australian schools be public?

Should all Australian schools be public?

Wednesday - 14 September, 2022 - 07:30 PM

Online - Zoom link via RSVP - Victoria, Australia


Australia’s top 50 private schools hold $8.5 billion in assets and spend millions on extravagant new buildings. At the same time, many public  schools struggle to fund heating and cooling, and battle with a shortage of teachers and educational resources. Yet government funding for  private schools in many cases exceeds that for government schools.

If Australia wants to maximize talents and create a more equitable society, all our children should have access to the best quality education  we can provide.

Is Australia’s hybrid public/private system delivering inequality ahead of achievement?

What do other progressive social democratic countries such as Finland and Canada tell us about a more equitable education system? Could our current system be modified to ensure educational equality? Or should we bring all private schools into the public system?

Tom Greenwell teaches history and politics in the ACT public education system. He writes about Australian education policy for Inside Story and The Canberra Times. He has explored a wide range of topics including growing segregation in Australian schooling, the history of Australian education, and contemporary trends and challenges. He previously worked as a research officer with the Australian Education Union.

Chris Bonnor AM is a former teacher and secondary school principal. He was a previous head of the NSW Secondary Principals’ Council and is co-author, with Jane Caro, of The Stupid Country and What Makes a Good School? He has contributed to a range of publications and media, and has jointly authored papers on Australia’s schools in association with the Centre for Policy Development and the Gonski Institute for Education.

Who’s going

Kenneth A Coghill Austin Byard Faye Dumont Dale Bridge Catherine Hall Chris Blake Mary Featherston Jonathan Pietsch Anne Mijch Adam Adam Lawrence Ingvarson Joan Kelly Melinda Jollie Tom Hurle Peter Duffy Si Gladman Rosemary Watson David Cassells K.C. Boey Margaret Pereira Daniel Castle Jo Ruksenas Natalie Hitoun Rachelle Cole Christina Bean Rodney Private Julia Thornton Edwina Kay Kay Matt Skoss David Zyngier Tennille Chase Tim Delany Christine May Jude McCarthy Eileen Whitehead Sarah Howe Allan Thomas Mick Donohue Christian Miller-Sabbioni Delma Clifton Rupert Hunt David de Carlos De Carlos Pulido Janelle Parks Wendy Backhous Thomas Munro Benjamin Picton emmanuel Pippos David Hassett

Who's RSVPing

Kenneth A Coghill
Austin Byard
Faye Dumont
Dale Bridge
Catherine Hall
Chris Blake
Mary Featherston
Jonathan Pietsch
Anne Mijch
Adam Adam
Lawrence Ingvarson
Joan Kelly
Melinda Jollie
Tom Hurle
Peter Duffy
Si Gladman
Rosemary Watson
David Cassells
K.C. Boey
Margaret Pereira
Daniel Castle
Jo Ruksenas
Natalie Hitoun
Rachelle Cole
Christina Bean
Rodney Private

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