SA Leadership and Organising Development Program
To facilitate participation participation in the 2024 Fabians Summer School Leadership and Organising Course, an equity place was awarded to a member, Duncan Bainbridge. Subsequently he volunteered to undertake further training in public narrative coaching. Our SA Leadership and Development Program has identified Duncan as a suitable candidate for further training. Support will enable to Duncan to participate in the Australian Progress/Australian Trade Union Institute three-day Leadership, Organising and Action program to be held in Melbourne in mid-September. The National Board of Australian Fabians has allocated an amount of $750 to match dollar-for-dollar any further donations towards this effort. Why Duncan? He's proven to be an engaged member since joining Australian Fabians four years ago. While Duncan works full time, that's in a low-paid hospitality job. Reflecting his engagement with Fabians, Duncan is an active volunteer for the Anti-Poverty Network (APN) and also serves on the Board of the Lived Experience Leadership & Advocacy Network (LELAN). By building his leadership, organising and related training skills, we're confident that Duncan will make an even more significant contribution to Australian Fabians but also to causes in the community that reflect our values. Duncan has agreed to be part of the team for the next Australian Fabians on-training in leadership and organising. If for any reason you have difficult donating through this page, you can make a direct deposit to 063008 00801883 using the Reference: SA Lead & Org Program AND please also email philip.o'[email protected] to facilitate a receipt and allocation toward this fund.
The key leadership and organising practices developed by Professor Ganz are summarised in this video of he in conversation for a re3cent Fabians event.