Changing the Politics of Climate Change - Australian Fabians Former Site - For Page Transfers

Changing the Politics of Climate Change

Wednesday - 10 April, 2019 - 06:00 PM

Melbourne Multicultural Hub - Green Room - Melbourne, Australia



In 2007, Kevin Rudd famously declared climate change to be “the great moral challenge of our generation”

Nevertheless, successive Labor and Coalition governments have failed to act effectively towards action on climate change or mitigating its effects. Corruption, denial and delay have permeated our institutions and have contributed to the current political inertia that has produced both outrage and hopelessness, as well as profound alienation from our democratic system.

But it doesn’t have to be this way... Individuals and groups both domestically and overseas are fighting to change the politics of climate change before it is too late.

But how do we change climate politics when the power is not with grassroots activists and individual citizens?

Who is standing in our way? What makes our democratic system amplify some political points of view and not others?  Who has most access to the levers that change political outcomes? What can we do to change that?

For a discussion on why so much has gone wrong with the politics of climate change, and where to look to successfully change how climate politics get heard, join us for this event on the 10th of April!




Victoria McKenzie-McHarg

Victoria is currently Manager of Strategy and Planning at Bank Australia. Bank Australia are strongly committed to supporting renewable projects and lending to low-income households for solar installations. Victoria has been chair of the Climate Action Network Australia since October 2015, and is a Board member of the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute at the University of Melbourne. Her previous positions include Climate Campaigner at Environment Victoria from 2007 to 2013, a Director at the Moreland Energy Foundation from 2011 to 2014, and a Climate Campaign Manager at the Australian Conservation Foundation from 2014 to 2015.


David Spratt

David has been an important climate activist and author for many years. Best known as co-author of the influential book Climate Code Red, he is Research Director at the Breakthrough Research Centre for Climate Restoration, and authored/co-authored many key reports on the growing significance of the acceleration of climate change, most recently "What Lies Beneath" (co-authored with Ian Dunlop), described as the inside story of how climate policy has become embedded in a culture of failure and scientific reticence. David is a member of the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute at the University of Melbourne.


Entry is $5 for Fabians members and concessions, $10 for non-members (bring extra for the raffle).

Please arrive from 5.30 for a 6pm start, all guests are welcome to join us for dinner after the event.

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