After Covid and Neoliberalism: a new direction for economy and society

After Covid and Neoliberalism: a new direction for economy and society

Wednesday - 09 June, 2021 - 07:30 PM

Online - A Zoom link will be forwarded on RSVP - Victoria, Australia

After Covid and Neoliberalism: a new direction for economy and society

Join us with Dr. Sarah Howe in conversation with Professor John McKay for a deep dive into the structural problems in the Australian economy, laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic. These issues have been evident for many years, and led to greater trauma for Australians than if we had entered the pandemic with a fairer economic system.

Australia has an opportunity to rethink entrenched policy directions. John calls for bold and imaginative industrial policy to transform the economy and society more broadly.


Professor John McKay is Honorary Professor in Development Studies at Deakin University. He has recently authored a Fabian monograph on "An Industrial Policy for Australia: Economic and social priorities in a post-neoliberal and post-coronavirus era". He was formerly Foundation Director of the Monash Asia Institute and the Australian APEC Study Centre, both at Monash University. He has served as President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs in Melbourne and as President of the Melbourne Chapter of the Society for International Development. He has had a special interest in the economic restructuring of Asia, the emerging security situation, and economic and political cooperation in the region.

Dr Sarah Howe is a member of the Victorian Fabians, She has a PhD in Economics with a special interest in industrial policy and regional economic development.

All welcome to stay for our 'online pub' after the event:

This is an effort to maintain the social aspect of our face to face events. So come prepared with your own BYO drink and nibbles for the after event discussion. We encourage all members to switch on video at the event to improve sociability.


This is an Online Only event - a link to join the Zoom event will be forwarded via email upon RSVP and prior to the event.





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