Fabian Review Issue 7 - Australian Fabians
31 July, 2024

Fabian Review Issue 7

Fabian Review Issue 7 is a feast of ideas. See below for individual articles and here to view or download a .pdf of the magazine. 

If you enjoy reading any of these contributions, why not share them with others?

The Editorial by Dr Paul Read can be read here.

In a featured essay, 'Still a Party of National Government?' David Reeves challenges posed by national Labor Government and can be read here.

'Obscene Inequality is Killing People' by Paul Read provides an overview of inequality and its consequence in Australia and can be read here.

Our student essay this edition is by Zulkee Rinzin, 'Regulating temporary migrant workers in Australia' and can be read here.

On foreign affairs, Paul Read summarises a Fabians event, 'Why is the world F***ed?', that provided an overview of factors leading to wars and global conflicts. Click here to read.

A feature contribution, 'Opposing Narratives' on domestic violence by Susan Castle, Danielle Sulikowski, Carmella Acciarito, Sarah Howe & Paul Read is here.

This edition also published original poetry by Roger Chao, click on the following titles for 'The silent truth', 'Not in my name' and 'The battle cry of the unbowed'.

'The Criminal Justice System in Australia' by Peter Norden is an important overview of our prison and rehabilitation systems and can be read here.

In deep dive into the impact of technology on democracy we have 'Techno-feudalism, Learned Helplessness, and the Gruen Effect 2.0' by Melissa McLay & Dr Paul Read, read here and 'Capitalism, Democracy and Techno-feudalism' by John Tons which can be read here.

Matthew Walkerdon put the case for 'Ending Australia’s Psychedelic Prohibition' and that can be read here.

Dr Tony Webb provides a wide-ranging discussion in 'Towards a functioning political economy' that can be read here, while Darren Quinn put the case for 'A Robust Job Guarantee' here.

Book review include those of Anna Funder (2024) Wifedom: Mrs. Orwell’s Invisible Life by Sarah Howe (here), Bruce Wolpe (2023) Trump’s Australia: How Trumpism Changed Australia and the Shocking Consequences For Us of a Second Term by Derek McDougall (here) and Michael Wesley (2023) Mind of the Nation: Universities in Australian Life by Hans A Baer (here).

Finally, in Light Pollution: An Afterword by Phil O’Donoghue applies a critical view of the edition as a whole (read here).



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