Expressions of Interest are now invited from any members and supporters of Australian Fabians to participate in training during 2023 by completing the short form below at the very end of this page. During 2023 Australian Fabians will deliver Leadership Organising and Action training based work of Professor Marshall Ganz at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. The short video below outlines some of the key concepts and practical uses that have been applied by unions, progressive political parties, environmental and other civil society organisations. This link will take you to a summary of the Ganz training generated in 500 words by the artificial intelligence software ChatGPT. The March course will be run from Friday March 10 (3:00pm to 8:00pm AEDT) for five sessions on the following Mondays and Fridays. This course will be online and free those selected under our Equity & Diversity Leadership & Organising Training Program. There will be other courses run during 2023. You may express interest in the March or future courses. Any member or supporter is welcome to lodge an expression of interest. Women and others on low incomes, First Nations Australians, young people, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people with disabilities and members of our LGBTIQAO+ community are particularly encouraged to express interest. Training later in 2023 will be provided free to members and for supporters selected under our Equity and Diversity Leadership Organising Program (towards which donations are welcome here). Non-member supporters are welcome to express interest and will be considered, but a small fee shall apply determined primarily on means. If you or an organisation of which you are a part are interested to participate in the course at cost, or if you have any questions, please email philip.o'[email protected].
Expressions of Interest Leadership Organising Program
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A: G
A: A current member of Australians Fabians
A: Course later in 2023
A: None of the above
A: I have both a policy and educational role through which I can inform the process and outcomes of others.
A: I am a supporter as this is a rational and well guided group that can help to deliver influence and social progress in a time of threat to world, community and workplace cohesion and equity in access and resources.
A: Other (you're invited to add a note at the end if you wish)
A: Other (you're invited to add a note at the end if you wish)
A: 0
A: 0
A: I am a true-believer social democrat and admire the commitment and hard work of Australian Fabians. By recruiting more members and supporters the Fabian movement can help the ALP win the next election and continue the great work that has been done so far. I would like to do more to promote Australian Fabians.
A: I am very pleased to see the Australian Fabians committing to this activity supporting positive social change.
A: A current member of Australians Fabians
A: Interested and available for the March 2023 course
A: A person on a low or fixed income
A: I would be more interested in Train the Trainer courses as I have trained, lead and participated in a range of social activist movements in the areas of civil rights (USA), anti-Vietnam war (USA, Europe, Australia) and anti-apartheid (Australia and South Africa). This was half a century ago, and though I still energy and commitment, I would prefer to assist in preparing future generations in continuing this work.
A: Disabled..
A: A non-member supporter of Australians Fabians
A: Interested and available for the March 2023 course
A: Other (you're invited to add a note at the end if you wish)
A: While I am currently unable to work, I am an experienced delegate and organiser for the Union Movement. I plan to use my time to organise and work in my community, which is historically and currently, anti-labor.
A: The Fabians are one of the longest continuing organisations committed to social justice and legal equity for all. From a modest start in the UK, they are now a significant global organisation and force for peaceful social and political change.
A: In my opinion, the fracturing and dogmatic approach many individuals in the movement take to policy, action and theory is mindless egoism. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater needs to stop within the union and Labor movement. Fabians help to identify, experiment and theorise policies that will push viable solutions to issues, not dogma.
A: The Australian Fabians have demonstrated to me, through the publications that I have read, that they are a group highly intelligent, educated and ethical people who truly care about the wellbeing of others, and of social justice in general. I have always been a person who wanted to understand the truth of things, and to help people rise to their potential. I believe that the Australian Fabians are a group of people who are similar to me, at heart, but probably more intelligent and more educated than I am, especially in matters of politics and effective socioeconomic policy. I want to be as clear-minded, articulate and science-informed as I perceive Fabian leaders and educators to be.
A: A non-member supporter of Australians Fabians
A: Interested and available for the March 2023 course
A: Hi. I’m recently out as trans. “Ryan” is depreciated :) please use “Rachel”. I’m closer to 50 than not and am just beginning to find myself. I’m hoping this course can help.
A: I’m already a Union member and a member of the ALP. But I’m a "sole member’ as far as the union goes, my shop is not unionised. I want to change that.