End of Year Break-up - Australian Fabians

Cancelled - End of Year Break-up

Wednesday - 14 December, 2022 - 07:00 PM

Captain Melville - Melbourne, Australia

Concerns about Covid exposure have prompted the

CANCELLATION of our end of yer break up.


At: Captain Melville, 34 Franklin St, Melbourne

On: December 14, 2022

The event will be postponed, instead, until early next year 

when we can plan, predict and prognosticate about 2023


Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!


Who’s going

Lynn Nicolson Jeff McCracken-Hewson J M Douglas David Shires Sarah Howe Lea Campbell Chris Blake Diana Huggins Robyn Saltmarsh

Who's RSVPing

Lynn Nicolson
Jeff McCracken-Hewson
J M Douglas
David Shires
Sarah Howe
Lea Campbell
Chris Blake
Diana Huggins
Robyn Saltmarsh

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