Public address by Amanda Tattersall, Wednesday 12 October, 5:45 - 7:15 pm, CSA Building, 445 Hay Street, Perth
Amanda Tattersall has been a union and community organiser for over 20 years, having been President of the National Union of Students, co-founder of Labor for Refugees, co-founder of and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Unions NSW. She is the founder of the Sydney Alliance, a diverse coalition of community organisations, unions, religious organisations and schools that uses community organising to bring people together and make Sydney a greater place to live. She is the author of the book "Power in Coalition" based on her PhD that compared union-community coalitions across Australia, the United States and Canada She currently teaches at the University of Sydney & Notre Dame in Urban citizenship and Australian Politics, and works with NGOs conducting evaluations, strategic planning and mentoring.
Irina Catalini, CEO, WA Council of Social Service will provide a response to Amanda’s address with a focus on WA and the community sector.
This address is hosted by WA Fabians with support from UnionsWA and the CPSU-CSA.
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