How to win an election & ACT Fabians end of year function - Australian Fabians

How to win an election & ACT Fabians end of year function

Friday - 18 December, 2020 - 07:00 PM

King O'Malley's - Canberra, Australia

Celebrate 2020 ending with a book launch and social evening with ACT Fabians.

Our guest speaker will be Dr Chris Wallace, author of How to Win an Election. 

'Ten Commandments for politicians – are you listening Labor? – who have forgotten the basics.' — Laurie Oakes

'How to win an election? You could start by listening to Chris Wallace. She doesn't have all the answers but ten off the top is a great start.' — Barrie Cassidy

'Elections in Australia are often decided by remarkably tight margins – a few thousand votes shift in some key seats and you get a different outcome. The campaigns parties run are complex and yet need to coalesce around strong, simple core messages. From the inside they are high-wire acts, often winner-take-all-bets. Chris Wallace brings original thinking and clarity to understanding the dynamics of elections and offers practical suggestions on how to win – including some that could probably only have come from an astute outsider. ' — Geoff Walsh, ALP National Secretary (2000–2003), former adviser to Prime Ministers Bob Hawke and Paul Keating and Premiers Steve Bracks and John Brumby, veteran of nine Australian election campaigns

Cover of book How to win an election

Who’s going

John Goss Eric Pozza Nick Dw Abed Chaudhury Scott Bloodworth rocco weglarz John Robbins Simon Tidy Adam Kirk Damien Bond Michael O'Neill

Who's RSVPing

John Goss
Eric Pozza
Nick Dw
Abed Chaudhury
Scott Bloodworth
rocco weglarz
John Robbins
Simon Tidy
Adam Kirk
Damien Bond
Michael O'Neill

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