2024 Leadership & Organising Summer School - Australian Fabians

2024 Leadership & Organising Summer School

Saturday - 20 January, 2024 - 01:30 PM

Zoom -

Please note: This course has proven quite popular, which is encouraging. We are currently working to expand our capacity to meet demand while ensuring a high standard or training.  We have closed enrolments.  For those living in Perth, the WA Branch will be delivering this course in-person in late February or early March 2024. When the dates are finalised soon, invitations will go to WA members and supporters.  

Running over Saturday and Sunday 20th and 21st January (1:30-5:00pm AEDT), the 2024 Australian Fabian Leadership and Organising Summer School is an intensive online training course. The course is designed for Fabian and other progressive civil society activists and volunteers wanting to learn the skills of leadership and organising. The course will be delivered by trained and experienced organiser-leaders that have completed structured training directly based on curricula developed by Professor Marshall Ganz through his program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Subjects covered in this course include:

  • Public Narrative - How to tell the story of your progressive values in ways that motivate others to follow your leadership
  • Public Narrative Coaching - How to coach others to tell their story in motivating ways
  • Coaching for Organisational Challenges - training in how to support others to solve organisational problems
  • How to Run Events - including how to use technology for organising
  • Organising Overview - key aspect of strategy and engagement to win 

Work is undertaken in small groups led by a trainer. A course manual is provided for reading advance and reference after the course.  

For existing Fabian leaders, such as Branch Executive members or members of Fabian Committees such as the Publications Committee, the course is provided free of charge. For other Fabians members or non-members the costs are: $50 (Waged Fabian Member), $30 (Concessional Fabian Member) or $80 (Waged Non-member), $50 (Concession Non-member). We don't wish fees to be a barrier to participation, so if you cannot afford the fees, but are interested to do the course, please email the Course Coordinator at: philip.o'[email protected]. Upon completion of your RSVP you will be directed to a page for payment to confirm your place.  

Who’s going

Joseph Garvey Soraya Kassim Brianna Hammond Ben Perks Blake Ansell mignon baker Katherine Hudson Justin Matthews Eric Kenny Natan Bedrosian Andrew Tandy Maggie Sefton Robyn Saltmarsh Lexie Moore Angela Balinski Dennis Williams Chris Duke Flynn Chamberlain Victoria Collins Julie Mckenzie Jannene Kyytsonen Mark Bonanno

Who's RSVPing

Joseph Garvey
Soraya Kassim
Brianna Hammond
Ben Perks
Blake Ansell
mignon baker
Katherine Hudson
Justin Matthews
Eric Kenny
Natan Bedrosian
Andrew Tandy
Maggie Sefton
Robyn Saltmarsh
Lexie Moore
Angela Balinski
Dennis Williams
Chris Duke
Flynn Chamberlain
Victoria Collins
Julie Mckenzie
Jannene Kyytsonen
Mark Bonanno

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