You are invited by the Australian Fabians in conjunction with Per Capita and the Victorian Women’s Trust to this event
Join us to hear some leading speakers and to workshop how we can achieve equity for women in feminised occupations. What are the current inequities for women in the workforce? What obstacles or forces inhibit an equitable approach to remuneration? What could be done to address these? What specific policy recommendations could the ALP consider?
We are interested to hear from you on policy directions. This is your opportunity to bring your own ideas on the best way forward. Our discussions will form the basis of a report prepared for the shadow Treasurer and the shadow minister for Women’s Affairs.
Discussion Leaders:
Dr Leonara Risse is National Chair of the Women in Economics Network. She is a Lecturer in Economics at RMIT University, a Research Fellow with the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia and has spent time at Harvard University as a Research Fellow with the Women and Public Policy Program.
Christina Hobbs is CEO Verve Super, Australia's first ethical super fund for women, by women. She was previously a Board Director and Advisor for Future Super, Head of operations for the UN World Food Programme in Baghdad/Iraq and a member of Board of Directors Global Women's Project.
Emma Dawson is Executive Director of Per Capita. She is a regular media contributor and appears regularly as an expert witness before parliamentary inquiries and often speaks at public events and conferences in Australia and internationally.
All welcome to stay for our 'online pub' after the event:
This is an effort to maintain the social aspect of our face to face events. So come prepared with your own BYO drink and nibbles for the after event discussion. We encourage all members to switch on video at the event to improve sociability.
This is an Online Only event - a link to join the Zoom event will be forwarded via email upon RSVP and prior to the event.