Event 1: What is happening to work and will there even be any in future?
Work inequality is growing, Australia’s living standards are falling and the amount of insecure work is increasing. Determining appropriate public policy responses to these issues will be critical if the rise in inequality is to be stopped, and social cohesion maintained.
Tim Lyons, Research Fellow at Per Capita, will set the scene with information on what is happening to work, and what are the globalising, demographic, and technological pressures on work as we know it, the way we understand this, and the effects of this change.
Jenny Macklin, MP, Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services, will examine the role of these pressures and particularly address the relationship of work and inequality. She will refer to the recently released Growing Together Report and will expand on the thinking she has done since the release of that report.
Join in
We are experimenting with a more interactive and participatory format for this event. You will be seated in small groups around tables instead of lecture style. After an initial presentation by Tim Lyons and Jenny Macklin of about 20 minutes each, we will ask you and the people at your table to reflect on what you have heard and what you think about it. The night will finish with a plenary session where we can discuss and question, together with the speakers, the implications of work in the future.