This Zoom will comprise three separate groups covering the topics of leadership and organising for political action, the environment and universal basic income. We plan to hold short, Zoom meeting on the last Sunday or each month. This gathering will be on Sunday Apr 24, 2022 01:30 pm (Melb/Syd/Bris), 1:00 pm (Adle), 11:30 am (Per). New participants are most welcome and are encouraged to read the relevant articles recently published in Fabian Review. These are: Leadership and Organising for Political Action (Activist strategies compared: Climate change & refugee policy by Amanda Tattersall); Environment (Demography and sustainable Australia by Jan O'Sullivan) or Universal Basic Income (The ethical case for basic income by Guy Standing). Please complete you details below to join one of these groups
Policy Action Group Monthly
Sunday - 24 April, 2022 - 01:30 PM
Zoom -
Who’s going