Organised Labour and the Future of Industrial Democracy - Australian Fabians

Organised Labour and the Future of Industrial Democracy

Wednesday - 28 October, 2020 - 07:30 PM

Online Only - A Zoom link will be forwarded on RSVP - Victoria, Australia


The Victorian Branch of the Australian Fabians invites you to the third event of our Spring Series on ‘The Future of Worker Power’.

This event asks what industrial democracy is, and whether deepening and expanding the power workers have in the workplace will secure better wages, conditions and relationships.

Our speakers will consider:

  • How can workplaces become more democratic to ensure that workers have more control over their conditions and wages?
  • Are Unions a way forward to advance industrial democracy or do we need to build alternate organisations?
  • Should Australia consider radical legislative changes to democratise workplaces or are piecemeal reforms more achievable and appropriate?
  • What methods should Australian workers pursue to increase the democracy in their workplaces – legislative or social?
  • How do we achieve greater industrial democratic reforms in an environment of high unemployment, the casualisation of work and historically low Trade Union participation?


Godfrey Moase is the Executive Director of the newly formed United Workers Union. He is prolific writer and campaigner for the workers within and external to the Australian unionmovement. Godfrey has written on co-operatives and workplace democracy as a solution to stagnant wages and as a means to prevent corporate excess such as those as revealed in the banking royal commission.

Nick Dyrenfurth is Executive Director of the John Curtin Research Centre. He has been an immense contributor to the Australian Labor Party and Australian union movement. Nick has written and spoken extensively on employee representation on boards as an innovative solution to democratise decision making in workplaces.


This is an Online Only event - a link to join the Zoom event will be forwarded via email upon RSVP and prior to the event.


All are welcome to stay for our 'online pub' after the event:

In our time of lock down, this is an effort to maintain the social aspect of our face to face events, which are usually followed by dinner and drinks at a local pub. So remember to come prepared with your own BYO drink and nibbles for the post-event discussion. We encourage all members to switch on video at the event to improve sociability.

Who’s going

Lyn Greenop Bob Cother Karen Melzack Jamie Gardiner Kay Hallahan Jose Ascencio Chris Blake Jenny Wills Shelley Evans Leo Baxendale Brent Smith Renee Burns Carina Garland Bill De Vink Leon Zembekis Nick Dyrenfurth Bernard Fitzgerald Vincent Hourigan Jonathan Pickering Tony Wilkinson Annie Newman Irina Freilekhman Julie Gordon Edward Benjamin Austin Tran Max Denton Chloe Wilson Ben Schneiders Connor Jolley Godfrey Moase Sophie Dixon Bryan Kavanagh Eileen Whitehead Adam Adam Roger Byrne Kevin Bain Anaya Watts Ivana CSAR  Oam stephen whale Vivienne Nicholson Adriana Tran Georges Bernard Max Ogden Nik Di Campli San Vito Diana Huggins Elissa Doxey Craig Kelly Janet Collings

Who's RSVPing

Lyn Greenop
Bob Cother
Karen Melzack
Jamie Gardiner
Kay Hallahan
Jose Ascencio
Chris Blake
Jenny Wills
Shelley Evans
Leo Baxendale
Brent Smith
Renee Burns
Carina Garland
Bill De Vink
Leon Zembekis
Nick Dyrenfurth
Bernard Fitzgerald
Vincent Hourigan
Jonathan Pickering
Tony Wilkinson
Annie Newman
Irina Freilekhman
Julie Gordon
Edward Benjamin
Austin Tran
Max Denton
Chloe Wilson
Ben Schneiders
Connor Jolley
Godfrey Moase

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