NSW Fabian Reading Group: 14th May - Australian Fabians Former Site - For Page Transfers

NSW Fabian Reading Group: 14th May

Monday - 14 May, 2018 - 06:00 PM

Royal Exhibition Hotel - Surry Hills, Australia

What makes progressive policy progressive? We're establishing a reading group to question this very idea - with members welcome to contribute suggestions for short articles, excerpts, or chapters that resonate with left-wing politics in Australia.

With the first meeting on the 14th of May, you are warmly invited to come along to the Royal Exhibition Hotel at 6pm for drinks and the chance to discuss a selection of texts. Learn, debate, and enjoy the chance to build on your knowledge of progressive policy matters in an open and respectful discussion.


Progressive Social Democracy in Action: Scandinavia
This week both the readings focus on the social-democratic model that (some argue) is pursued in Scandinavia: described by Andrew Cumbers as a kind of "economic democracy". Is there a rationale behind this level of economic and social cohesion? Is it a myth - are these societies as cohesive as they first appear? Please read both articles (neither are lengthy!) and come ready to discuss your own interpretations next Monday, 6pm, at the Exhibition Hotel. 

Andrew Cumbers: New Index of Economic Marginalisation Helps Explain Trump, Brexit, and Alt-Right, The Conversation 13/01/17
Andreas Moller Mulvad, Rune Moller Stahl: What Makes Scandinavia Different? Jacobin 04/08/2015

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