Please find notice for our Annual General Meeting to be held in Melbourne on Saturday 25th July.
We are holding the Australian Fabians National AGM at this time to align with the ALP National Conference and a fringe forum being sponsored by the Fabians on Sunday 26th at 10.45 am - Towards Equality – Can Australians have a healthy future.
Members are reminded that due to our two year position terms there will be no elections involved with this AGM.
Remember that your local branch AGMs will have already elected your State / Branch representatives on the National Board. The National Board will be meeting earlier this day for a strategic planning session.
Proposed Agenda:
1. Welcome & Introduction of National Board Members: Chairman Tim Sonnreich
2. Apologies
3. Ordinary Business
a. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM (2014)
b. Annual Reports
• Chairman
• Secretary
• Treasurer – Financial Statements for 2014.
c. Authorise the ‘public officers’ reports (those above) to Consumer Affairs Victoria and ASIC.
4. Special Business Agenda items to be considered under Special Business should be advised to the National Secretary by no later than 18th July 2015.
5. We expect the AGM to close by 4.00 PM. Join us at the Bar for a good time & chat with fellow Fabians