Mentor Training- Australian Fabians

Mentor Training

Sunday - 22 September, 2024 - 04:00 PM

Royal Derby Hotel - Fitzroy, Australia

Prof Marshall Ganz defines leadership in progressive terms as, among other things, "enabling others". His coaching for organisational challenges, which most Australians would recognise as good mentoring - is a powerful way of analysing someone's problems in progressive campaigns. This training is about acting in a manner that is respectful and empowering, not lecturing someone, which is so often unsuccessful. Ganz's leadership and organising practices have been adopted and adapted by unions, the ALP, Greens, Teals, environmental groups and other civil society entities in Australia. Since 2022 Australian Fabians has embarked on a capacity building program of leadership and organising training based on the work of Prof Ganz. In the video below from a recently Fabians event, Ganz summarises most of his key practices. This session is training, includes pre-reading, practice work in small groups and an expectation that participants will engage with the content throughout, not just listen in. There will be one small group facilitator for five participants. There is a cost for participation being $15 any concession card holder, $20 for Fabian Members (waged) or $30 Waged non-Members. If you cannot afford the fee you are asked to email philip.o'[email protected] and a full subsidy may be provided. Once you submit your details below you will be taken to a payment page. Your place in the training is only confirmed upon payment. Places are limited. 

Who’s going

Gary Lilienthal Rosallie Flynn Iona Mackenzie Ken Matahari Robert Salter

Who's RSVPing

Gary Lilienthal
Rosallie Flynn
Iona Mackenzie
Ken Matahari
Robert Salter

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