Join Victorian Fabians with Julie Sonnemann of the Grattan Institute, Amanda Bickerstaff and Dr Pasi Sahlberg, for a discussion on where we go from here and what the recovery from COVID-19 might look like for education.
This event is part of a series of interactive events over a couple of months where we want to collect your thoughts on issues relating to a post COVID-19 world. Our ideas will be collected together as a series of "Letters to Labor" to help inform the policy agenda. Both events will be introduced by a prominent expert in the field. Max Dumais will facilitate the discussion.
This is your opportunity to bring your own ideas on the best way forward for education after COVID-19, and contribute to a call for policy directions.
The discussion will be moderated by Julie Sonnemann of the Grattan Institute, co-author: COVID catch-up: helping disadvantaged students close the equity gap.
Amanda Bickerstaff – CEO PivotPL, co-author: Australia’s Technology Ecosystem during Covid19.
Dr Pasi Sahlberg – Gonski Institute for Education: Finnish educator, scholar, thought leader and author.
This is an Online Only event - a link to join the Zoom event will be forwarded via email upon RSVP and prior to the event.
BYO beverage for the discussion!