The Australian Frontier Wars were fought from 1788 to the 1920s between Indigenous Australians and an invading coalition of white settlers, militia, police, and colonial soldiers. It has been estimated that in total the conflict claimed 20,000 to 30,000 Aboriginal lives and the lives of between 2,000 and 2,500 Europeans. This was undoubtedly a defining conflict in the history of this country.
However, despite the undeniable significance of the Frontier wars to our shared history, there is currently no mention of them at all in the National War Memorial in Canberra and on going silence in mainstream Australian society in general.
The NSW Fabians are proud to be joined for this event by Professor Henry Reynolds, one of Australia's most respected historians who will speak on this important but sadly too often overlooked chapter of our history and discuss how we might move forward to ensure proper acknowledgement and a more honest understanding of our past.
Entry to this event is by donation to help cover costs. The suggested donation is $5.
Please RSVP for catering purposes as drinks and nibbles will be provided.