All Victorian Fabians members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting online using Zoom on Wednesday 28th April 2021. The AGM will be followed by a member discussion forum - an opportunity for members to provide feedback on what the Fabians are doing and what you think is most important!
Australian Fabian Society - Victorian Branch
2021 Annual General Meeting
Followed by Member Discussion Forum
The Victorian Fabians' Annual General Meeting is an opportunity for members to become more involved in the running of our branch. If you are a member of the Victorian Fabians please consider nominating to join our executive. If so, please follow the nomination instructions below. Nominations must be completed and sent to the returning officer by Monday 26th April. You must be nominated by two other current Fabians members. There are a number of positions to be filled - Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and six Executive Committee Members.
Should there be a need for an election, this will be run at the AGM.
In order to nominate:
You must be a financial member to be nominated and be over 18 years old. Members must be prepared to attend Board meetings and other meetings as required. They must also be prepared to act in the best interests of the organisation without conflict of interest, support the purposes of the association, and comply with the constitution.
To nominate you must complete the nomination form, which includes nomination by two other current Fabians members, and return it to the Returning Officer by 5:00pm Monday 26th April. His contact details are included on the form. If you wish to nominate someone else please make sure the person you are nominating has consented to the nomination.
If you can't come to the AGM but would like to vote, please complete the proxy form and send it to the returning officer prior to 5:00pm on Monday 26th April. Contact details for the returning officer are on the form.
1. Welcome - Acknowledgement to Country: Acting Chair Jeff McCracken-Hewson
2. Apologies
3. Minutes
3.1. Confirmation of minutes for 2020 Annual General Meeting (download here)
4. Reports
4.1. Chair’s Report, (Including Events, Membership, Publications and Social Media reports)
4.2. Treasurer's report
5. Election of 2021/22 Officers
5.1. Ratification of election by members
6. Appointment of Returning Officer 2021/22
7. Special Business
8. Meeting close
For a printable version of the Agenda (including proposed motions) click here.
After the AGM: Members Discussion Forum
The AGM will be followed by a members discussion forum - an opportunity for members to provide feedback on what you think the Fabians should be doing and what you think is most important.