Cleaning Up Political Donations - Australian Fabians Former Site - For Page Transfers

Cleaning Up Political Donations

Wednesday - 11 October, 2017 - 06:30 PM

Community and Public Sector Union - Haymarket, Australia

Political donations will be thrust under the spotlight in coming months as a Senate Select Committee investigates the influence of donations on policy decisions, and how those donations are made and declared.

Join our panel to discuss the current state and impact of political donations, and how this could change in the future.



Stephen Jones MP - Australian Labor Party

Federal Member for Whitlam, Shadow Minister for Regional Communications, Shadow Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government.

Professor George Williams - Dean, UNSW Law

George's areas of expertise include constitutional and electoral law, and as Dean of the UNSW Law School, he is a highly regarded expert, commentator, and frequent author on the topics of constitutional and electoral law reform.

Alice Drury - Legal Counsel, GetUp

Alice has a long standing interest in electoral law reform, which forms a key part of GetUp's campaign to improve the democratic integrity of Australian politics.


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