This is the second of two events in which we try to increase understanding of China at a time of increasingly fraught relationships. We aim to present speakers who can give an insider’s view on China and its people.
When Australians think of China, they often focus on the Chinese Communist Party, democracy, human rights, media freedom and so on. What can we say about the attitude of Chinese people and their leaders to such things? How do they feel about their country in general, about the current direction under Xi Jinping, and about “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”? What really is that?
Daniel Bell is Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration at Shandong University (Qingdao) and Distinguished Chair Professor at Fudan University (Shanghai). He is from Montreal and was educated at McGill University and Oxford University. He has held teaching posts in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing, and research fellowships at Princeton, Stanford, and Hebrew University. His books include The China Model (2015) on China’s political system.
Mobo Gao teaches Chinese studies at the University of Adelaide. His publications include several books, and over a hundred book chapters/articles. Two of his books are case studies of Gao Village in China where he grew up. Others reassess the Mao era and the Cultural Revolution. His latest book Constructing China: Clashing Views of the People’s Republic (2018) examines how and why different categories of people have different views of China.
All welcome to stay for our 'online pub' after the event:
This is an effort to maintain the social aspect of our face to face events, especially for those in lockdown. So come prepared with your own BYO drink and nibbles for the after event discussion. We encourage all members to switch on video at the event to improve sociability.
A link to join the Zoom event will be forwarded via email upon RSVP below.