How’s about that Hare-Clark? - Australian Fabians

How’s about that Hare-Clark?

Wednesday - 24 June, 2020 - 06:00 PM

Zoom -

ACT Fabians and Proportional Representation Society of Australia present:

How's about that Hare-Clark?

Proportional Representation in Australia

An evening discussing the strengths and weaknesses of proportional representation as we do it here in Australia, and a little bit abroad.



Stephen Morey

National Secretary PRSA

Presenting the case for Proportional Representation and the Hare-Clark system.




Daniel Gerrard

Secretary ACT Fabians

Presenting the case against


Questions, comments, and questions that are really comments encouraged.


RSVP via the Fabians website to get a Zoom link on the night.


Who’s going

Rick Fabian Toni Sky James Talbett Lipanjka De Gary Lilienthal Tony Le Fevre Richard Adams David Wedgwood Darryl Biggar Savannah Benson Stefan Piccolo Joel Blanch Dennis Gazlay Paul Sandringham Rachel Symes Joan Wolf Bradley Hammond Kevin Conway Ben McNally Jos Tait Victoria Robertson Les Allan Bruce Poon Terry Wood Mrs Dee Dennis Hosken Chris Duke Samuel Wilson Alexa McLaughlin Steven Chaytor Ciaran Summerton Glenn Petrusch Jade Connor Geoffrey Goode Oskar Durst David Macdonald Kate Nash Patricia Frick Steven Moore Michael Leach Mathew Baskerville Lucy Bordin Natalie Mast Robyn Coates Paul Smith Stephen Parks roger Byrne Karen Melzack

Who's RSVPing

Rick Fabian
Toni Sky
James Talbett
Lipanjka De
Gary Lilienthal
Tony Le Fevre
Richard Adams
David Wedgwood
Darryl Biggar
Savannah Benson
Stefan Piccolo
Joel Blanch
Dennis Gazlay
Paul Sandringham
Rachel Symes
Joan Wolf
Bradley Hammond
Kevin Conway
Ben McNally
Jos Tait
Victoria Robertson
Les Allan
Bruce Poon
Terry Wood
Mrs Dee
Dennis Hosken
Chris Duke
Samuel Wilson
Alexa McLaughlin
Steven Chaytor

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