A Job Guarantee and Full Employment - Australian Fabians

A Job Guarantee and Full Employment

Thursday - 23 September, 2021 - 06:00 PM

The Snug Room, Johnnie Fox's (Formerly Rosie O'Grady's) - Northbridge, Australia

Is there an emerging consensus on a job guarantee and full employment? Lachlan McCall and Damien Smith will discuss a model for full employment and a job guarantee, followed by Q & A, all while enjoying some nibble food from 6:00 pm on Thursday 23rd September.  To RSVP please complete your details below.  About the speakers...

Lachlan McCall, who will Zoom in live from Canberra, is an economist and convener of the ACT Branch of Australian Fabians. He previously served in the Economic Division of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. He is currently studying a Masters in International and Development Economics at ANU.

Damien Smith is a member of the WA Organising group of Australian Fabians with a proper day job as a naval architect. In his spare time he is an activist campaigning for a job guarantee.

Who’s going

Jared Clapin Kacper Szozda Alex McInnes Gabrielle Trenbath David Ansell Will van den Wall Bake

Who's RSVPing

Jared Clapin
Kacper Szozda
Alex McInnes
Gabrielle Trenbath
David Ansell
Will van den Wall Bake

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