2023 AGM - Australian Fabians

2023 AGM

Sunday - 28 May, 2023 - 04:00 PM

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Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe, one of Australia's most respected environmental scientists will be our guest speaker opening the AGM.  Ian's address is titled "Is a sustainable future still possible?" He has this year published Australia on the Brink, in which he argues that the essential first steps in stabilising the global climate and protecting our local biota must also change the emphasis of resource extraction from a damaging reliance on trade to improving our capacity to meet our own needs. This is our best – perhaps our only – chance of restoring a sense of social stability, and the equality of opportunity that was once a hallmark of this country.

The AGM is open to members and supporters and their guests. The Agenda for the AGM is available online here. The minutes of the 2022 AGM can be viewed and downloaded online here. The 2022 Annual Report including financial statements are available online here. Members who are unable to attend in-person are encouraged to submit a proxy to facilitate a quorum being formed through the meeting.  The proxy form can be viewed and downloaded here in .pdf or here as a .jpeg file. Details are:

4:00 pm (AEST) Sunday 28th May, 2023

Via Zoom, after completing your details below I will send you the Zoom link.

Mark Bonanno

National Secretary

Australian Fabians Inc.

Who’s going

Katherine Hudson John Thompson Jennifer Kerry Lovering Peter Kriesner Amanda Rainey Jamie Gardiner Jannene Kyytsonen James Talbett Victoria Henry Doug Melvin Timothy Baker Bernie McComb Michelle Gardiner Robyn Saltmarsh Cam MacRae Geoff Norton Michael Henry Dean Tregenza Bill Gissane Christopher Caston Leon Cermak Julia Thornton Pam Coutts Bill De Vink Pamela McLeod Fernanda Trecenti Simon Cole Carly Guise Iona Mackenzie Kay Matthiesson Megan Poad Anonymous Ryan Flynn sally allman Rachael Hughes Sarah Howe Dana Tymms Janet Hutchison Julie Cattlin Charles Esson Tammy Benson Lara Rosenblum-Silbert Tim Dymond Tim Dymond Lynda Somers Sally Atkinson Helen Halliday Mary Kelleher

Who's RSVPing

Katherine Hudson
John Thompson
Jennifer Kerry Lovering
Peter Kriesner
Amanda Rainey
Jamie Gardiner
Jannene Kyytsonen
James Talbett
Victoria Henry
Doug Melvin
Timothy Baker
Bernie McComb
Michelle Gardiner
Robyn Saltmarsh
Cam MacRae
Geoff Norton
Michael Henry
Dean Tregenza
Bill Gissane
Christopher Caston
Leon Cermak
Julia Thornton
Pam Coutts
Bill De Vink
Pamela McLeod
Fernanda Trecenti
Simon Cole
Carly Guise
Iona Mackenzie
Kay Matthiesson

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