2022 Federal Election Analysis - In-Person - Australian Fabians

2022 Federal Election Analysis - In-Person

Sunday - 17 July, 2022 - 03:00 PM

Mt Lawley Bowling Club - Mt Lawley, Australia

We have two impressive speakers for this post-election analysis.  RSVP details needed below to freely attend in-person (light refreshments provided) but follow this link for the Zoom.

William Bowe has worked as an election analyst since 2004 and leading up to this 2022 federal election was a voting and poll data consultant analyst for the Teal campaigns. An ABC radio election and Crikey commentator, his blog, The Poll Bludger, is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

Karen Luscombe is Principal Researcher for WA Opinion Poll, which specialises in quantitative and qualitative research. Together with her life and business partner, Jim Lamev, they conducted focus group research  for the successful 1993 "True Believers" election victory for Labor.

This event, hosted by the WA Branch of Australian Fabians is proudly sponsored by CGM Communications. 

Who’s going

Markku Sarubin Robyn Murphy Fay Davidson Mark Sandler Katrina Montaut Claudia Ruiz christine cornwall Thomas French Robert Knox David Robinson Anne Giles Amanda Rainey Thomas Beresford Natalie McGrath Angela Barns Janine Freeman Sarah Mummé Kim Silverstone Dj Jackson Suren Raj Bobbie Mackley Diya Shivlani Curtis Mckinley Cassandra Regan Damien Smith Terri Brown Tim Dymond Geoff Baker David Ansell Nigel Rainford Janelle Parks Caroline Blakers Joy Nichols Alan Woodcraft

Who's RSVPing

Markku Sarubin
Robyn Murphy
Fay Davidson
Mark Sandler
Katrina Montaut
Claudia Ruiz
christine cornwall
Thomas French
Sabina Leitmann
Simon Martin
Pam Edmondson
Keryl Hennah-Graber
Loretaa Lincoln
Deidre Wright
Samantha Doran-Bryce
Amy Le Ray
Margaret Rose
Jan Lau
Klasey Hirst
Lachlan Rodenburg
Anne Pettit
Adnan Visram
Kge Jack Yeoh
Christopher Lesiter
Matthew Lowry
Tina MacDonald
Ryan S. Ruan
Robert Knox
David Robinson
Anne Giles

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