2021 WA Election Anlysis - Australian Fabians

2021 WA Election Analysis

Monday - 12 April, 2021 - 06:00 PM

CSA Building - Perth, Australia


William Bowe, Editor of the electoral studies blog The Poll Bludger, ABC election commentator and Crikey contributor, will provide all the numbers for us to understand the unique Labor victory at the 2021 WA State election.  Karen Luscombe is a founding researcher for WA Opinion Polls, which famously conducted the focus group research for Paul Keating's' "True Believers" election win in 1993 and has been conducting ALP and union campaign focus group research ever since. She will provide a qualitative analysis of the election.  CGM Communications is our sponsor for this event.  Light refreshments will be available from 5:30 pm (so 7:30 pm AEST for those joining via Zoom from the east), Monday April 12.  Please complete you details below to RSVP.  Zoom link details will be in the RSVP confirmation email.

Who’s going

Jane Sanders Giacomo Campbell Kelly Paul Sarah Seymour Evan Eble Andrew Broertjes Imogen Charles Cameron Algie Andrew Owens Catherine Whitely Dennis Liddelow Viktor Ko Brendan Jackson Tess Milligan Lachlan Rodenburg Laura Cassie Donata Ostrowska Sue Chadwick Matthew Rose Victoria Collins Michael Dowling Chris Johnson Dylan Caporn Ruth Thatcher Brett Osler Merry Cooper Elias Hallaj Samantha Rowe Terri Brown Steven Applin Jan Lau Anna Huband Courtney Allen Owen Whittle Andrei Buters William Rose Gabrielle Trenbath Damien Smith Alan Woodcraft Amanda Rainey Caitlin Collins Sarah Mummé Tim Dymond Peter Rogers David Ansell Katrina Montaut Sue Strodl Mathew Baskerville

Who's RSVPing

Jane Sanders
Giacomo Campbell
Kelly Paul
Sarah Seymour
Evan Eble
Andrew Broertjes
Imogen Charles
Cameron Algie
Andrew Owens
Catherine Whitely
Dennis Liddelow
Viktor Ko
Brendan Jackson
Tess Milligan
Lachlan Rodenburg
Laura Cassie
Donata Ostrowska
Sue Chadwick
Matthew Rose
Victoria Collins
Michael Dowling
Chris Johnson
Dylan Caporn
Ruth Thatcher
Brett Osler
Merry Cooper
Elias Hallaj
Samantha Rowe

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