William Bowe, Editor of the electoral studies blog The Poll Bludger, ABC election commentator and Crikey contributor, will provide all the numbers for us to understand the unique Labor victory at the 2021 WA State election. Karen Luscombe is a founding researcher for WA Opinion Polls, which famously conducted the focus group research for Paul Keating's' "True Believers" election win in 1993 and has been conducting ALP and union campaign focus group research ever since. She will provide a qualitative analysis of the election. CGM Communications is our sponsor for this event. Light refreshments will be available from 5:30 pm (so 7:30 pm AEST for those joining via Zoom from the east), Monday April 12. Please complete you details below to RSVP. Zoom link details will be in the RSVP confirmation email.
2021 WA Election Analysis
Monday - 12 April, 2021 - 06:00 PM
CSA Building - Perth, Australia