This year for our AGM we are taking a new approach to our Annual General Meeting for 2020 on 23rd May at 10;30 am.
As a national movement, we have members from regional Queensland, Tasmania, Perth and in our Big cities. This year our AGM will be online so all members can attend and get involved in the running of our organisation.
No matter where you are on May 23rd you can join our AGM by Zoom and join the discussion or watch in the Membership Network Facebook Group Live. (Join the group here)
At our movements AGM you will hear from the key officers as they report on the past 12 months and you will receive the result of the elections for your National Office Bearers for the next 2 years. Without having to travel or even leave you home.
But most importantly you will hear what the new board hope to do in the coming years and how you can join us in these plans.