Research for Union Renewal - Australian Fabians

Research for Union Renewal

Tuesday - 30 January, 2024 - 09:00 PM

Zoom -


To coincide with the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) holding its 2024 conference in Perth, the Centre for Future Work at The Australia Institute and UnionsWA are pleased to invite Fabian supporters and members to a unique and important event, Research for Union Renewal via Zoom (link sent via automated email following your RSVP details below) from 9:00pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 30th January. This brings together cutting-edge researchers and unionists to share their knowledge and wisdom about renewing unions

The evening will be chaired by Professor Emeritus David Peetz (pictured), who is the Laurie Carmichael Distinguished Research Fellow at the Centre for Future Work. He will also be presenting his research on Developing Union Delegates. Other speakers and their recent research are: Donna Baines, ‘Little Union Wins Big: De-privatising Health Care Workers and Sustaining Solidarity in the COVID-19 Pandemic’, University of British Columbia; Desmond Ayentimi & John Burgess, ‘The challenges and opportunities for trade union renewal in Sub-Saharan Africa’ University of Tasmania & Torrens University; Julie Douglas, ‘Are unions really meeting the needs of our contemporary societies', Auckland University of Technology; Karen Douglas, ‘Trades and Labour Councils in Regional Australia: Power, Capacities, Resources’ University Of Tasmania; Thomas Costa, ‘UnionsNSW and Visa Assist: What we’ve learnt from organising and advocating for migrant workers’ Unions NSW; Alison Rudman, ‘Union purpose and power: Union strategy to regulate the fissured workplace’, University of Sydney Business School.

Who’s going

Peter Duffy Troy Henderson josephine gambaro Helen Hill Matthew Lloyd-Cape Mark Ames David Cragg Sandra Martin Michael Wright Louise Dressing Dan Musil Neil Watson Jenny Backholer Craig Dalton Michelle Shackleton Don Sutherland Rachel Burke Alexander Lara Wayne McMillan Ivy Chen Jo Kitchen Wendy Backhous Howard K  Whitton Des Griffin Ross Gwyther Peter Lake Jesse Fleay Liz Prime Graham Jones Jannene Kyytsonen Justin Matthews Peter Dart Julie Cattlin Sharon Meredith Liz Glab Brianna Hammond Julie Mckenzie Chris Roberts Janet Susan Mccalman Tony Simons Antony Flynn Chamberlain Philip O'Donoghue

Who's RSVPing

Peter Duffy
Troy Henderson
josephine gambaro
Helen Hill
Matthew Lloyd-Cape
Mark Ames
David Cragg
Sandra Martin
Michael Wright
Louise Dressing
Dan Musil
Neil Watson
Jenny Backholer
Craig Dalton
Michelle Shackleton
Don Sutherland
Rachel Burke
Alexander Lara
Wayne McMillan
Ivy Chen
Jo Kitchen
Wendy Backhous
Howard K  Whitton
Des Griffin
Ross Gwyther
Peter Lake
Jesse Fleay
Liz Prime
Graham Jones
Jannene Kyytsonen

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