Housing and Homelessness - Australian Fabians Former Site - For Page Transfers

Housing and Homelessness

Wednesday - 26 June, 2019 - 06:00 PM

Melbourne Multicultural Hub - Green Room - Melbourne, Australia



This is the second of a series of interactive events to collect your and other Fabians' thoughts on three issues identified by our members as so important that they are "keeping them awake at night". Each event will be introduced by a prominent politician and/or expert in the field. 

These ideas will be collected together as a series of "Letters to Labor" to help inform the policy agenda. Copies will be forwarded to the opposition leader (Anthony Albanese), the relevant Labor Shadow Minister (Richard Wynne, Minister for Housing), and to the appropriate ALP Policy Committee.

In this event we will be discussing housing affordability and homelessness. We will be joined by Tony Dalton, Emeritus Professor at RMIT:

  • Who might be the main beneficiaries of an effective social housing policy approach and what would be their main requirements?
  • What are the key elements in addressing affordable housing solutions?
  • What might be some creative solutions to address the challenge of affordable and low-income housing?
  • What steps might be taken at a policy level to create the relevant conditions for social housing investment from government and/or the private sector?
  • Frame a specific policy proposal to put to the relevant Labor Shadow Minister at Federal and Minister at State government levels.

Who are key demographic sectors affected? What creative ideas for housing, beyond 'more housing', could help? Come and join in the discussion, focusing on the search for creative responses. 

Each event will finish with a request to the audience for 5 or 6 people to form a team to help write up the results as a submission.

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