He Won: Progressive Politics in the Age of Trump - Australian Fabians Former Site - For Page Transfers

He Won: Progressive Politics in the Age of Trump

Wednesday - 08 February, 2017 - 06:00 PM

Community and Public Sector Union - Haymarket, Australia

Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential elections has sent a shock wave around the world. As the US grapples with a president who's election promises drew comparisons with fascism, the rest of the world is seeing a rise in support for populist right-wing causes such as Brexit, Front National and our own One Nation. What does Donald Trump's victory mean for the Left? What should the priorities of Australian progressives be in the wake of his victory? How can Australian progressives counter the rise of populist right-wing politics?

Join our panel as we discuss the future of progressive politics in the age of Trump.



Tim Ayres – NSW Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

Andrew Charlton – former senior economic adviser to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

Miya Tokumitsu – lecturer in Art History at Melbourne University and contributing editor at Jacobin magazine


When: 6pm, Wednesday 8th February

Where: Level 7, 191-199 Thomas Street, Haymarket, NSW 2000

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