2018 Victorian Fabians AGM - Australian Fabians Former Site - For Page Transfers

2018 Victorian Fabians AGM

Wednesday - 18 April, 2018 - 05:30 PM

Melbourne Multicultural Hub - Melbourne, Australia

Australian Fabian Society - Victorian Branch

Annual General Meeting

The Victorian Fabians' Annual General Meeting is an opportunity for members to become more involved in the running of our branch.  Please consider nominating for any position on our executive and help shape the group's future and expand its influence. We have lots of ideas and would welcome hearing from you on what you want to do as well having more hands to make things happen. 

There are 10 positions to be filled on our Executive - Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Events Manager, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Executive Committee Members.  You must be a financial member to be nominated - you can nominate yourself or be nominated by another member.  Download and fill in the nomination form here and then send it back to our Returning Officer Max Dumais by Tuesday 17 April. If you can't come to the AGM but would like to vote, please complete the proxy form (download a copy here) and give it to your proxy to hand to the Chair at the meeting.



1. Welcome: Chair Julia Thornton

2. Apologies

3. Ordinary Business

3.1 Confirmation of minutes for 2017 Annual General Meeting (click here to download the 2017 minutes)

3.2. Chair’s Report

3.3 Election of 2018 Officers

3.4 Appointment of a representative to the National Board

3.5 Appointment of Returning Officer 2019

4. Special Business

5. Meeting close


After the AGM: the first in our Autumn Series on 18 April

The AGM will be followed at 6pm by the first event in our Autumn Series looking at what we mean when we talk about inequality. Keep this time free and visit the event page here.


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